Workshop: Probabilistic and variational methods in kinetic theory (May 13-17, 2019)
Workshop: Probabilistic and variational methods in kinetic theory (May 13-17, 2019)
Participants of the Workshop: Probablistic and variational methods in kinetic theory (click to enlarge)

Workshop: Probabilistic and variational methods in kinetic theory

Dates: May 13-17, 2019
Venue: HIM lecture hall, Poppelsdorfer Allee 45, Bonn
Organizers: Esther S. Daus, Giacomo Di Gesu, André Schlichting

The workshop aims to bring the communities from the field of stochastic processes and partial differential equations related to kinetic models together. These include for instance the dynamic behavior of kinetic Fokker-Planck and Vlasov-McKean equation with linear or nonlinear (cross-)diffusion. The workshop aims to highlight recent advances on hypocoercivity, the rate of convergence, self-similarity, and phase transitions. For this, ideas from the side of stochastic analysis, as well as the variational formulation of gradient flows, have yielded exciting results in kinetic theory. The workshop aims to deepen these links and build new bridges.


Click here for the schedule.

Click here for the abstracts.